26 July 2007

In at the deep end

Feeling like a right doughnut

Captain Baby Biggles at your service

Woohoo! Really going for it now

Suncream, anyone?

18 July 2007

Carry On Camping

Choosing which room I'm going to take
Sierra de Gredos, Ávila
Berks R Us
Eeee, this is the life
Showing the neighbours round our new des res

09 July 2007

Party In The Park

Just putting the finishing touches to the decorations
And the presents just keep rolling in...
So you feel lucky, punk?
A wonderful time in excellent company
Thomas, Tiago, Annelis, Angela and Antonio on serious bubble-blowing business

Princesses Aisha and Amaya holding court
Antonio wonders what's happened to his Daddy's head

One Proud Mamá!

05 July 2007

One Today!

El Rubio Malo gets the party started at nursery
So many presents, so little time...

Thank you so much Granma & Grand-dods, Gran & Grandad, The Waltons, Kitty, Becca & everyone....

And for all the lovely cards too