25 November 2006

Locos Por Madrid

Hanging In Lickle Chair

Cava Baja On A Lazy Weekend
Bar Life 
Plaza Mayor 
Plaza Oriente - One Of Our Favourite Destinations 

Washing Away The Stresses Of City Life

16 November 2006

New girlfriends in town

"Enchanté mademoiselle Ainhoa, enchanté!"
Chilling in the sunshine with Tiphaine and Ainhoa

Finally getting to meet super international girlfriend Lua

Hayden and Lua

And finally a big 'Willkommen, Bienvenido, Welcome'
 to newest girlfriend on the block, baby Amaya Sylvia Althoff

09 November 2006

Invasion of los abuelos...

Keeping Gramps warm in Aranjuez

Walked by the women folk

Reading the olds their bedtime story

"Now then, now then, how's about that then?"

The Simpsons...... (der da de der etc)

03 November 2006

McJohnson Mania

Getting acquainted with Lickle Mr Arran
Weight training

 He's behind you
Can't see the wood for the trees
Discussing Madonna's Latest Antics With Harris
Getting a waltz around the Plaza with Catherine